Sabra Secondary School-A Project of Hamza Foundation

Sabra secondary school is professionally managed by an NGO & non-profit organization Hamza Foundation.  It was set up in 1992, to bring a positive change in education system. School is especially organized for the less privileged strata of the society.

Sabra Secondary School Karachi

In 1992, Sheikh Abid Hussain took an admirable step by founding Sabra Secondary School. The primary goal behind this initiative was to revolutionise the education system and make a positive impact. The school was specifically designed to cater to the needs of the underprivileged members of society, ensuring that they receive the quality education that would otherwise be inaccessible to them.

Sheikh Abid Hussain was dedicated to eradicating class privileges and bringing about positive change. He believed that quality education played a crucial role in not only shaping the moral and spiritual development of students but also in providing them with intellectual enlightenment.By creating opportunities for individuals to enhance their quality of life, we empower them to utilise their education as a powerful tool in shaping a better society. Education not only equips individuals with knowledge and skills, but it also instils values and principles that drive positive change. When people are given the chance to thrive and contribute, they become catalysts for progress, leading us towards a brighter future for all.

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